
10 Fascinating Reasons to Have a Himalayan Salt Bath Today
10 Fascinating Reasons to Have a Himalayan Salt Bath Today
For thousands of years, salt baths have been highly prized medicinal therapies. Hippocrates (460-370 BC) first discovered the therapeutic qualities of seawater and salt baths when he saw their healing effects on the injured hands of fisherman – quelling both infection and pain. Now it is even better with Himalayan Salt Bath.
Himalayan Salt Bath for healthy living
Himalayan Salt Bath for healthy living
One day, way back when… Hippocrates (the Father of Medicine) had heard that fishermen would soak their rough, injured hands in seawater to cleanse and heal them after a hard day’s work. Much to his surprise, he noticed they had very few infections or complications after the saltwater soaks, regardless of the nature of the wound. Soon after, he began encouraging patients to bathe in warmed seawater and called the therapeutic treatment “Thalassotherapy”. Today, these baths are most commonly known as Himalayan Salt, Sole or Brine Baths and are often done in conjunction with certain phases of the moon. This is known as Moon or Moon Rhythm Bathing.
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